31 August 2008

Field Strip And Reassemble An AR-15 In 53 Seconds

The title doesn't include the fact that the task was performed by an 11 year old young lady. Wonder how well she shoots?

26 August 2008

Reading List #8

So far the Reading Lists have always been focused on printed media as well as being a thematic triptych. Slight change this time as it's been a slow summer and I'm procrastinating. I've been a long time admirer of good data visualization methods so when you're able to accomplish that through blog feeds and a healthy dash of humor, you've won my heart and mind.

In no particular order:

There you have it. Data geek humor and reading habits. Now, it's time to change into my scatter plot jammers and get to bed.

24 August 2008

My Fun Weekend

The intersection of food and drink geekery and the abandonment of real life and responsibilities for a weekend.

15 August 2008

Apoptosis In Botnets

Police nab Shadow creators, force botnet to commit suicide:

"The Dutch High Tech Crime Unit has arrested two brothers behind the creation of the Shadow botnet, and now intends to use the malware distribution engine for a good cause—Shadow will now distribute the means to eradicate its own existence."

01 August 2008

Interesting Electrical Synchronicities Today

In the spirit of my reading lists with three suggestions, today was odd in that I have three completely unrelated events today but are tied to electricity as a common theme. Perhaps that means they're not really unrelated. Whatever the case, here was my electrical day:

  1. Our well pump died during the night. I started the dishwasher last night and my darling spouse told me this morning that we had no water. Cliff Cummings Water Service (major plug for him...he's been great to us since we bought this house) in Rutland, MA rescheduled his day and provided water from deep in the ground today. A bunch of money and replacing a pump 300 or so feet down in the ground and we have running, rusty, dirty water again.
  2. I watched "Car of the Future" on NOVA tonight. Love those Car Talk guys and the show was actually pretty good, given what I expected for Detroit fluff. The Tesla Roadster was very nice indeed.
  3. Midday, iPod on shuffle, Schoolhouse Rocks! Rocks!"Electricity, Electricity" by Goodness come up. No connection until now. Fun tune and a great re-recording of the great Schoolhouse Rocks! series on PBS.

    Original Schoolhouse Rocks! version:

    Goodness version:

There it is...another day in the life.